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The Mailjet Team


The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Hermes holding a wrench fixing a server


14 min

To zero-party data and beyond: The four types of marketing data

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Gods using tools on stack of books

Email best practices

11 min

What is a webhook and why do you need it?

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Hermes painting Hera posing

Email best practices

6 min

Create the best transactional email with these tips

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Hermes sends an email from a laptop on a sofa

Email best practices

5 min

5 trusted principles for growth through receipt emails

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Hermes and a Goddess have a chat in a bedroom


7 min

5 books every email marketing professional should read

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Hermes holds huge magnet

Email best practices

9 min

How to create content when you’re feeling lazy

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A god holding a mail in front of a cell phone

Email best practices

6 min

How transactional emails affect customer engagement levels

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Hermes and a Goddess shopping in a mall

Email best practices

9 min

8 marketing ideas and best practices for transactional email

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Two gods decorate a Christmas tree in front of some more decorations

Email best practices

6 min

Kick off your holiday email strategy with these 5 ideas

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Hermes draws an arrow amongst air balloons

Email best practices

5 min

Email subject lines that tap into the impact of emojis

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Hermes is chilling in a sofa with his laptop sending an email

Email best practices

4 min

How to test responsive email design

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Hermes passing the box with envelopes to Hera


6 min

Buying email lists doesn’t guarantee improved results

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