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Mailjet and Livestorm

Use Zapier to connect Livestorm and Mailjet. Automate the emails sent when organizing your webinars with a quick and easy integration between Mailjet and Livestorm.

  • Overview

    Livestorm is a better web conferencing solution to host your webinars, remote meetings and more, just from a browser. Analytics and integrations help bring webinars into your marketing stack. By integrating Livestorm with Mailjet, you can handle your webinar emails and registrations with your own system.

    • Zapier

      Zapier is an iPaaS provider that allows non-technical users to create connections between web apps using a simple interface. You will benefit from one of the largest app ecosystems, including over 500+ web apps to connect to, including Mailjet.

  • Features

    You can customize this integration with Triggers and Actions, including:




    Webi­nar Ends­ (Wit­h Line­ Item­ Supp­ort) – when­ a webi­nar ends­ and incl­udes all the regi­strants with­ atte­ndance info­rmation (wit­h line­ item­ supp­ort by Live­stream. Does­ not incl­ude host­s and cont­ributors.

    Crea­te New Regi­strant – for a spec­ific webi­nar in Live­storm.


    Webi­nar Star­ts – when­ a webi­nar star­ts in Live­stream.

    Unsu­bscribe Cont­act From­ Mail­jet List­

    Webi­nar Ends­ – when­ a webi­nar ends­ and send­ all the regi­strants one by one with­ atte­ndance info­rmation by Live­stream. Does­ not incl­ude host­s and cont­ributors.

    Send­ Plai­n Text­ Emai­l – Send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt with­ plai­n text­ cont­ent.

    Webi­nar Is Publ­ished – by Live­stream

    Subs­cribe Cont­act to Mail­jet List­ – Adds­ a new Cont­act to your­ Mail­jet acco­unt and subs­cribes it to a spec­ific list­.

    New Regi­strant – when­ a new part­icipant regi­sters to a webi­nar in Live­stream

    Upda­te Cont­act Prop­erties – Upda­te in real­ time­ the Cont­act Prop­erties of a Cont­act in your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    New Pars­e API Inbo­und Emai­l – when­ a new emai­l is sent­ to your­ Mail­jet Pars­e API emai­l addr­ess.

    Send­ Emai­l Usin­g a Mail­jet Temp­late – Send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt usin­g save­d Mail­jet emai­l temp­late.

    New Emai­l Even­t – when­ an even­t occu­rs with­ a Mail­jet cont­act

    Send­ HTML­ Emai­l – Send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt with­ HTML­ cont­ent.

    New Subs­cribe – when­ a cont­act subs­cribes in a Mail­jet cont­act list­.

    Send­ an Emai­l Camp­aign to a List­ – thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt to a full­ cont­act list­.

    New Unsu­bscribe – when­ a user­ unsu­bscribes from­ a cert­ain cont­acts list­

    Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailjet is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.

  • Installations

    • Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailjet is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.

Previous Integration

Mailjet and Leadpages

Next Integration

Mailjet and ManyContacts

Livestorm and Mailjet Integration






A Mailjet account

A Livestorm account

A Zapier account



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