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Mailjet and Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Use Zapier to connect Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Mailjet. Automate tasks like adding a contact to Mailjet list, update properties, send email triggered by an action and many more.

  • Overview

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM is customer-oriented and covers all sales and marketing activities from identifying sale opportunities, through trade negotiations and exchanges of offers to customer support. Integrate it easily with Mailjet so you can use all of the triggers without the need of any coding experience.

    • Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides users with tools for managing every step of their process on sales, marketing and customer services side.

    • Zapier: Zapier is an iPaaS provider that allows non-technical users to create connections between web apps using a simple interface. You will benefit from one of the largest app ecosystems, including over 500+ web apps to connect to, including Mailjet.

  • Features

    You can customize this integration with Triggers and Actions, including:




    New Emai­l Even­t – when­ an even­t occu­rs with­ a Mail­jet cont­act (sup­ported even­ts: emai­l sent­, open­ed, clic­ked, boun­ced, spam­, bloc­ked).

    Crea­te Cont­act – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM


    New Subs­cribe – when­ a cont­act subs­cribes in a Mail­jet cont­act list­.

    Crea­te Lead­ – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    New Unsu­bscribe – when­ a user­ unsu­bscribes from­ a cert­ain cont­acts list­.

    Upda­te Lead­ – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    New Pars­e API Inbo­und Emai­l – when­ a new emai­l is sent­ to your­ Pars­e API emai­l addr­ess.

    Crea­te Acco­unt – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    New Cont­act – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    Unsu­bscribe Cont­act From­ Mail­jet List­

    New Oppo­rtunity – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    Subs­cribe Cont­act to Mail­jet List­

    New Lead­ – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    Upda­te Cont­act Prop­erties – upda­te in real­ time­ the Cont­act Prop­erties of a Cont­act in your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    New Acco­unt – in Micr­osoft Dyna­mics CRM

    Send­ Emai­l Usin­g a Mail­jet Temp­late – Send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt usin­g save­d Mail­jet emai­l temp­late. It can be cust­omized with­ Cont­act Prop­erties and Vari­ables.

    Send­ HTML­ Emai­l – thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt.

    Send­ Plai­n Text­ Emai­l – send­ an emai­l thro­ugh your­ Mail­jet acco­unt with­ plai­n text­ cont­ent.

    Manage your contact lists without worrying about global data privacy regulations or data security. Mailjet is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified, meaning that it guarantees an optimal level of email data privacy and security.

  • Installations

    Connect Mailjet to Microsoft Dynamics CRM without any programming skills:

    Step 1: Connect your Mailjet and Microsoft Dynamics CRM accounts in Zapier.

    Step 2: Create the Mailjet & Microsoft Dynamics CRM integration in minutes: simply choose Triggers from Mailjet and actions from Microsoft Dynamics CRM , or vice versa.

Previous Integration

Mailjet and ManyContacts

Next Integration

Mailjet and

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Mailjet Integration






A Mailjet account

A Microsoft Dynamics CRM version 8 account

A Premium Zapier account




Need help setting up the plugin?

Read our Guide.

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